Traditionally computers prefer to speak in structured terms. The binary of 1’s and zeros. Tabular formats, databases, financial records. To sum it up in two words: Structured Data Unlike us human, we are unstructured data. Communication is done using words, strings of symbols and parenthesis that to the poor computer is a jumbled mess of […]
We were mentioned on Nvidia’s Blog in December: The Bright Continent: Tales from Africa’s AI Ecosystem The IDMSA system our team developed uses their graphics processing units (GPU’s) to run our neural network (AI). The aim of the IDMSA system is to help businesses within the SMME market to gain network traffic to their website. By website tagging and […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are two very hot buzzwords right now, and often seem to be used interchangeably. They are not quite the same thing, but the perception that they are can sometimes lead to some confusion. Both terms crop up very frequently when the topic is Big Data, analytics, and the broader waves […]
Artificial Intelligence : Friend or Foe There is a lot being said about Artificial Intelligence in the Global community. Many are punting the concept while others are reminding us about a movie released in the 20th century about machines taking control and exterminating the human race… Before deciding which camp you are in, let us […]